Wealth Funds for the Long Term. Investing in Tomorrow’s Asia.
Charles-Lim Capital is an independent investment firm based in Asia, managing focused portfolio funds that generally invest in listed equity securities of businesses in Asia. The firm views the funds that it manages as primary wealth funds for the long-term.
Like many family offices, Charles-Lim Capital’s guiding objective is to compound wealth intelligently and carefully for the long-term. The firm seeks to invest in the best Asia exposures globally without the use of leverage, and focuses on its highest conviction ideas. The firm employs a global value investing philosophy combined with quality discipline, deep understanding of long-term economic and industry drivers, and unique strategic insights across Asia.
For more information, please visit www.charleslimcapital.com.
Please see here for feature by Charles-Lim Capital on “Successful Family Office Investing in Asia".
Charles-Lim Capital Limited
Level 15, 100 Queen’s Road Central,
Central, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3180 9245
Fax: +852 3180 9399
Keiren Charles, Executive Chairman (kcharles@charleslimcapital.com)
Lim Shueh Yung, Principal (sylim@charleslimcapital.com)
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