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private wealth holders

June 9, 2022

Companies developing complex disease-solving data curation, heart-failure telemonitoring and home sperm testing will exclusively present in-person as Campden Wealth returns to Lausanne, Switzerland, for the 32nd edition of the MedTech Investing Europe Forum (MTi) on July 12 and 13.

Companies developing complex disease-solving data curation, heart-failure telemonitoringand home sperm testing will exclusively present in-person as Campden Wealth returns to Lausanne, Switzerland, for the 32nd edition of the MedTech Investing Europe Forum (MTi) on July 12 and 13.

December 3, 2009

September saw the launch of a new set of Standards aimed at protecting private wealth holders. Katie Barker reports on the preliminary reactions to the Standards

A majority of families agree with a set of Standards, launched in September, designed to promote responsible wealth management and protect private wealth holders. To date 62% of people surveyed said they agree with the proposed Standards as they are, 30% said they agree with them but would like to refine them, while 8% said they did not agree at all.

December 2, 2009

Post-liquidity families who are struggling to come to terms with the physiological effects of money lost as a result of the financial crisis could find help in a new set of Standards, writes Tom Davidow

In a previous article, Surviving Madoff, (Campden FB, Winter 2009), about the devastating consequences to families who were victims of Madoff's ponzi scheme and, more generally, of the world economic crisis, I outlined Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's five stages of grief—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance—as a way for high net worth families and business-owning families to understand the p

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