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March 30, 2009

The non-family CEO of PSA Peugeot Citroën has paid the price for the company’s poor performance after being sacked yesterday.

The non-family CEO of PSA Peugeot Citroën has paid the price for the company's poor performance after being sacked yesterday. Christian Streiff's contract was terminated by the France-based company's supervisory board, which is chaired by Thierry Peugeot.

Strieff, who took over the family-controlled organisation in February 2007, will be replaced by Philippe Varin on 1 June. Until then, Roland Vardanega, a member of the managing board, will act as interim Chairman.

April 3, 2008

Marilyn Carlson Nelson, chairman of the Carlson family business empire, has once more taken the hunt for a chief executive outside of the family circle, landing 25-year UPS veteran Douglas Anderson.

Marilyn Carlson Nelson (pictured), chairman of the Carlson family business empire, has once more taken the hunt for a chief executive outside of the family circle, landing 25-year UPS veteran Douglas Anderson.

Marilyn said that the recruitment process to hire a CEO for Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT), the travel management company, was a far-reaching affair that ended wiith the appointment of an external candidate – part of a growing trend at the firm.

January 9, 2008

Global travel, hotel, restaurant and marketing giant Carlson has appointed the firm’s first non-family CEO in its 70-year history.

Global travel, hotel, restaurant and marketing giant Carlson has appointed the firm's first non-family CEO in its 70-year history. Hubert Joly, current president and CEO of Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT), in which Carlson has a majority stake, will become the company's new CEO on 1 March 2008. He will succeed company co-owner Marilyn Carlson Nelson (pictured), who will continue as Carlson's chairman.

November 1, 2007

Choosing between tradition and innovation can be difficult for family-owned businesses that want to stay true to their values. John L Ward, Joachim Schwass and Colleen Lief explain that by embracing paradoxes, it is not necessary for firms to make this choice

Joachim Schwass is director of IMD's Leading the Family Business Programme.
John L Ward is The Wild Group Professor of Family Business at IMD.
Colleen Lief is former project manager of the IMD-LODH Family Business Research Center.

Choosing between tradition and innovation can be difficult for family-owned businesses that want to stay true to their values. John L Ward, Joachim Schwass and Colleen Lief explain that by embracing paradoxes, it is not necessary for firms to make this choice

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