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September 1, 2004

The end of succession by autocratic decree wasn’t the threat it appeared. Career choice has paved the way for a uniquely business-savvy next generation – who join the fold because they’re passionate about their family business. Melanie Stern reports

Melanie Stern is section editor of Families in Business magazine.

The end of succession by autocratic decree wasn't the threat it appeared. Career choice has paved the way for a uniquely business-savvy next generation – who join the fold because they're passionate about their family business. Melanie Stern reports

September 1, 2004

An ageing population means the number of business owners seeking to leave their businesses over the next few years is ever increasing. But recent research suggests succession planning needs to be a much higher priority. Rowena Barrett and Glennis Hanley report

Rowena Barrett is director of the Family and Small Business Research Unit, Monash University, Melbourne. Glennis Hanley is a research associate with the Family and Small Business Research Unit.

An ageing population means the number of business owners seeking to leave their businesses over the next few years is ever increasing. But recent research suggests succession planning needs to be a much higher priority. Rowena Barrett and Glennis Hanley report

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