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December 16, 2019

As a collection of emerging markets with a strong growth potential, the Balkan countries have firmly positioned themselves on the map of attractive investment locations.

As a collection of emerging markets with a strong growth potential, the Balkan countries have firmly positioned themselves on the map of attractive investment locations.

Steadily growing numbers of foreign investors have expanded into Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, drawn primarily by the region’s favourable location, its affordable workforce and creative tax regimes.

July 29, 2019

Tax department clarifies Cyprus 60-day rule for nominee directors

Effective as of 1 January, 2017, the so-called “60 day rule” for the purposes of establishing Cyprus tax residency for individuals is of importance to those seeking Cypriot residency.

Under the rule, individuals are considered tax residents of Cyprus and benefit from the island’s tax regime if they:

• Reside in Cyprus for a period of 60 days

• Do not reside in any other single country for a period exceeding 183 days in total

• Are not tax resident in any other country

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