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letter from the us

December 11, 2015

Donald Trump isn’t the first family business owner to ever run

for public office, but he’s certainly been the most vocal

It’s one thing to push your family’s political interests behind the scenes – using Super PACs and K Street lobbyists. But to intentionally position yourself under the harsh spotlight of a political campaign is something altogether different.

November 1, 2004

Parents are the most influential factor in unleashing the next generation's entrepreneurial development. Daisy Medici explains how parents can foster entrepreneurship by giving children permission to express their passions, experience failures and celebrate successes against a backdrop of family love, respect and core values

Daisy Medici is managing director of Genus Resources, a family business consulting firm.

Parents are the most influential factor in unleashing the next generation's entrepreneurial development. Daisy Medici explains how parents can foster entrepreneurship by giving children permission to express their passions, experience failures and celebrate successes against a backdrop of family love, respect and core values

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