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john ward

July 1, 2005

Family firms are not inherently big risk-takers. Responsibility sits heavily on a leader’s shoulders because they will not want to sacrifice generations of toil. However, caution does not mean a company cannot be successfully competitive, writes George Malim

George Malim is a freelance journalist based in London.

Family firms are not inherently big risk-takers. Responsibility sits heavily on a leader's shoulders because they will not want to sacrifice generations of toil. However, caution does not mean a company cannot be successfully competitive, writes George Malim

March 1, 2005

Family Business Key Issues
By Denise Kenyon-Rouvinez and John L Ward, Palgrave Macmillan

Albert Jan Thomassen is director of FBNed, the Dutch Association of Family Firms and founding president of the Family Business Network.

Family Business Key Issues
By Denise Kenyon-Rouvinez and John L Ward, Palgrave Macmillan

March 1, 2005

More and more families are getting into organised philanthropy, both to marshal wealth and to contribute to society. Melanie Stern discovers some key issues to consider if your family wants to set up a foundation

Melanie Stern  is section editor of Families in Business magazine.

More and more families are getting into organised philanthropy, both to marshal wealth and to contribute to society. Melanie Stern discovers some key issues to consider if your family wants to set up a foundation

September 1, 2004

Family businesses have opportunities to use sophisticated strategies to manage financial risk. But, as Mark Rubin explains, they can also apply similar principles to manage human risk

Mark Rubin is co-founder of the Metropolitan Group, LLC.

Family businesses have opportunities to use sophisticated strategies to manage financial risk. But, as Mark Rubin explains, they can also apply similar principles to manage human risk

June 1, 2003

Leadership is an important element in running a successful family business. Four of the eminent thinkers in the field of family business discuss its different meaning and forms

Barbara Murray is Consultant Editor for Families in Business magazine.

Leadership is an important element in running a successful family business. Four of the eminent thinkers in the field of family business discuss its different meaning and forms

At the top of the list of names of those people who are best known and respected for their substantial and ongoing contribution to the world of family business theory, practice and education you will find the names of John Davis, Kelin Gersick, Ivan Lansberg and John Ward.

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