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Generation Y

January 22, 2021

Choosing the right leader at the right time will be one of the most critical decisions you can make to secure the continued success of your business. Rarely has continuity and succession planning been more important, given the recent challenges faced by family businesses throughout the world.

Choosing the right leader at the right time will be one of the most critical decisions you can make to secure the continued success of your business. Rarely has continuity and succession planning been more important, given the recent challenges faced by family businesses throughout the world.

January 6, 2021

In a recent family business event, a couple of young family business owners were asking questions around their role, finding their place and their individual voice. Questions motivated by their respective positions as heirs, beneficiaries, descendants, inheritors and ‘next-in-line’.

In a recent family business event, a couple of young family business owners were asking questions around their role, finding their place and their individual voice. Questions motivated by their respective positions as heirs, beneficiaries, descendants, inheritors and ‘next-in-line’.

Any one of these descriptions are representative of considerable responsibilities and accepted norms. Taken together, they represent the range and depth of the obligations, paths and expectations which together are captured in one word: successor.

December 21, 2020

The author of a new book on international attitudes to the rich warns the wealthy are already being called on to pay for the coronavirus pandemic and are a minority in danger of being scapegoated.

The author of a new book on international attitudes to the rich warns the wealthy are already being called on to pay for the coronavirus pandemic and are a minority in danger of being scapegoated.

July 26, 2012

The digital natives of Generation Y are starting to work in their families’ businesses. And with their work ethic and understanding of social media, they’re already starting to shake things up.

They were the children born into the final decades of the 20th century. Sometimes branded Generation “me” or Generation “I”, but mostly known as Generation “Y”, they’re supposedly tech-savvy and globally focused, but also arrogant, with short attention spans, and expect to be able to have it “all” when it comes to family and work-life balance.

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