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October 8, 2020

Whatever one’s outlook, there have been times in 2020 when the markets seemed to echo one’s innermost thoughts, and times when we shout out like Falstaff, that the whole world has gone mad. The bulls and the bears have had their time in the sun, and their time on the dark face of the moon—what follows is a digested diary of our journey through the year 2020 so far.

June 3, 2009

Remember 2&20? Probably only too well. As most of the wealthy, private clients of asset management funds know, this was the base rate many were charged for the privilege of handing over their money.

Remember 2&20? Probably only too well. As most of the wealthy, private clients of asset management funds know, this was the base rate many were charged for the privilege of handing over their money.

There were variations on the 2&20 theme, but the general principle was to hit clients up for two per cent of the net asset value of the investment, plus 20 per cent of the returns above a pre-determined benchmark such as Libor. The "performance fee" was fixed on both realised and unrealised or paper gains, and most of it went in bonuses.

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