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March 11, 2022

UNICEF’s NextGen Global Principals are spearheading a drive to raise funds for Blue Dot Center havens as the crisis in Ukraine continues. Campden FB talks to James Elder, UNICEF’s spokesperson on the frontline about how ultra-high net worth families and individuals can help.

UNICEF’s NextGen Global Principals are spearheading a drive to raise funds for Blue Dot Center havens as the crisis in Ukraine continues. Campden FB talks to James Elder, UNICEF’s spokesperson on the frontline about how ultra-high net worth families and individuals can help.

December 15, 2021

C Hoare & Co is the UK’s oldest private bank, founded in 1672 and still family owned, with a long history of philanthropic practices across its 11 generations. This culminated in the formal appointment of a head of philanthropy in 2018, an appointment bestowed upon Rennie Hoare, one of the bank’s youngest partners.

C Hoare & Co is the UK’s oldest private bank, founded in 1672 and still family owned, with a long history of philanthropic practices across its 11 generations. This culminated in the formal appointment of a head of philanthropy in 2018, an appointment bestowed upon Rennie Hoare, one of the bank’s youngest partners.

November 23, 2021

Two-headed leadership can be defined as the capacity or art of leading a joint venture with two leaders who have equal conditions with respect to responsibility and participation in terms of decision-making power.

Two-headed leadership can be defined as the capacity or art of leading a joint venture with two leaders who have equal conditions with respect to responsibility and participation in terms of decision-making power.

Two-headed leadership is often the formula chosen by second and third generations to oversee and run a family company. However, for this type of joint leadership to work effectively, specific attributes are required that tend to be uncommon in family organisations.

October 15, 2021

In the 26 years that Ruffer LLP has been in existence, a clear pattern has emerged. When the market mood is either complacent or ebullient, equity indices tend to rise strongly, and we lag behind them. An ‘unexpected’ crisis then hits, and Ruffer quickly recovers lost ground.

In the 26 years that Ruffer LLP has been in existence, a clear pattern has emerged. When the market mood is either complacent or ebullient, equity indices tend to rise strongly, and we lag behind them. An ‘unexpected’ crisis then hits, and Ruffer quickly recovers lost ground.

October 1, 2021

In the world of investment, there are few things everyone can agree on. You’re either a bull or a bear, a dove or a hawk, for or against.

In the world of investment, there are few things everyone can agree on. You’re either a bull or a bear, a dove or a hawk, for or against.

If there’s one thing investors do know for sure—it’s that bonds and equities can be used in combination to achieve a ‘balanced portfolio’.

At the simplest level, this means building portfolios with some equities for the good times, and bonds for the bad. Typically, in a 60/40 split.

August 20, 2021

Scholastic Corporation owner Richard Robinson Jr has cut family out of succession plan, Pritzker family’s Hyatt hotel chain doubles stake in luxury resorts, Richard Branson sells $300 million shares in Virgin Galactic.

Scholastic Corporation owner Richard Robinson Jr has cut family out of succession plan

The family behind the US publisher of Harry Potter and The Hunger Games is reportedly reviewing its legal options after its principal left the $1.2 billion business to his lover.

July 2, 2021

Pinault family’s Artemis and James Murdoch venture into Gen Z video platform Brut, Rupert Murdoch closes the book on $349 million Houghton Mifflin Harcourt deal, H&M profits rebound by $1.2 billion but stores cut.

Pinault family’s Artemis and James Murdoch venture into Gen Z video platform Brut

Francois-Henri Pinault and James Murdoch, the scions of family-owned traditional media groups, are investing millions into Brut, a new “socially conscious” digital news provider for Generation Z and millennials.

May 28, 2021

Water, in many ways, is a proxy for life itself. Civilisations have sprung from fertile river valleys and along the trading routes of the seas. For NASA, when searching for extra-terrestrial life, the guiding principle has been to ‘follow the water’.

Water, in many ways, is a proxy for life itself. Civilisations have sprung from fertile river valleys and along the trading routes of the seas. For NASA, when searching for extra-terrestrial life, the guiding principle has been to ‘follow the water’.

What is water scarcity?

May 27, 2021

In the family council meeting in a city in India, the patriarch of the fast-moving consumer goods family business proudly proclaimed: “I have blocked a bed, nurse, doctor, oxygen cylinder and injection, which will be available for anyone of us if we fall prey to Covid-19. I’m not taking any chances.”

In the family council meeting in a city in India, the patriarch of the fast-moving consumer goods family business proudly proclaimed: “I have blocked a bed, nurse, doctor, oxygen cylinder and injection, which will be available for anyone of us if we fall prey to Covid-19. I’m not taking any chances.”

A hand went up: “Uncle, what if more than one of us needed it at the same time?” He smiled and said not to worry.

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