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business model

January 22, 2013

European family businesses are a safe bet for investors even in times of economic crises, according to research by the Instituto de Empresa business school, but the problems associated with family ownership make potential investors wary.

European family businesses are a safe bet for investors even in times of economic crises, according to research by the Instituto de Empresa business school, but the problems associated with family ownership make potential investors wary.

June 4, 2012

In his essay That Politics May Be Reduced to a Science, the Scottish thinker David Hume asked himself whether good government is down to the “humours and education” of the rulers, or the form of the constitution. We might ask the same question about businesses.

In his essay That Politics May Be Reduced to a Science, the Scottish thinker David Hume asked himself whether good government is down to the “humours and education” of the rulers, or the form of the constitution. We might ask the same question about businesses. What is the best model for a company? Or is success down to people?

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