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January 6, 2021

In a recent family business event, a couple of young family business owners were asking questions around their role, finding their place and their individual voice. Questions motivated by their respective positions as heirs, beneficiaries, descendants, inheritors and ‘next-in-line’.

In a recent family business event, a couple of young family business owners were asking questions around their role, finding their place and their individual voice. Questions motivated by their respective positions as heirs, beneficiaries, descendants, inheritors and ‘next-in-line’.

Any one of these descriptions are representative of considerable responsibilities and accepted norms. Taken together, they represent the range and depth of the obligations, paths and expectations which together are captured in one word: successor.

October 28, 2020

Families have accelerated their wealth transfers to their next generation before a possible victory by Democrat challenger Joe Biden in the US presidential election.

Families have accelerated their wealth transfers to their next generation before a possible victory by Democrat challenger Joe Biden in the US presidential election.

However, families should only consider how much and how to give away funds as part of their longer term multigenerational goals and if they could afford it, warned TwinFocus, a Boston and London based multi family office.

April 24, 2020

With the spread of Covid-19 bringing the UK housing market to a standstill and shaking financial markets across the world, families who have lost loved ones leading up to the outbreak of the pandemic, could be seeing some of their assets plummet in value. If inheritance tax has already been paid on those assets on the basis of their higher values in the pre-Covid world, an inheritance tax rebate could be due.

With the spread of Covid-19 bringing the UK housing market to a standstill and shaking financial markets across the world, families who have lost loved ones leading up to the outbreak of the pandemic, could be seeing some of their assets plummet in value. If inheritance tax has already been paid on those assets on the basis of their higher values in the pre-Covid world, an inheritance tax rebate could be due.


February 18, 2020

A significant number of family businesses do not have a succession plan in place. Failure to address this is likely to be to the detriment of the business in the long-run. The family need to decide what the future of the business looks like, and crucially which family members, if any, wish to be involved.

A significant number of family businesses do not have a succession plan in place. Failure to address this is likely to be to the detriment of the business in the long-run. The family need to decide what the future of the business looks like, and crucially which family members, if any, wish to be involved.

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