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February 26, 2021

Family offices have an increasing appetite for investing their venture capital in innovative and disruptive health and green technology over the next five years, a new survey by Lakestar reveals.

Family offices have an increasing appetite for investing their venture capital in innovative and disruptive health and green technology over the next five years, a new survey by Lakestar reveals.

March 1, 2019

The Danish family-owned toy giant Lego Group will build on its return to growth after a two-year slump by accelerating expansion in China, India and the Middle East.

The Danish family-owned toy giant Lego Group will build on its return to growth after a two-year slump by accelerating expansion in China, India and the Middle East.

March 28, 2018

Brewing giant pledges carbon reduction and renewable energy; James Packer’s ‘brave’ mental health resignation; and L’Oreal buys AR app

Brewing giant pledges carbon reduction, renewable energy

The world’s biggest brewer, AB InBev, says it will use only renewable energy and recyclable packaging by 2025, as part of an ambitious sustainability plan laid out by the company.

January 16, 2018

As family enterprises tap into virtual reality technologies, many are discovering new avenues for growth and sharper lines of communication. Scott McCulloch reports

As family enterprises tap into virtual reality technologies, many are discovering new avenues for growth and sharper lines of communication. Scott McCulloch reports

Banishing the myth of family businesses as technological laggards, cutting-edge families are deftly exploiting new technologies to beef up productivity, sharpen communications and connect with customers in real, virtual, and emotional ways.

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