Investing in life settlement funds is not a new idea, however it is one family offices seem reluctant to embark on. Is now the time to take the chance and invest in this evolving asset class?
One of the most popular places investors are flocking to as the recession bites is distressed debt. Reg Crowder lifts the lid on this asset class to find out what’s in it for you
As consumers in Eastern Europe becomes ever more affluent, family businesses around the world are looking to the region for growth rather than cheap land and labour, says Reg Crowder
The market for offshore yacht and aircraft registration is heating up and stimulating a competitive spirit, says Reg Crowder, bringing nothing but good news for both owners and buyers of luxury yachts and aircraft
Despite some high profile failures hedge funds had a successful year in 2007. As investors evaluate which funds will perform best in 2008, Reg Crowder meets the experts to shed some light on the trends to watch over the next 12 months
For families wishing to invest in hedge funds there are various steps that should be undertaken to help ensure returns in this booming asset class. Reg Crowder offers some tips for first time investors who are looking to third party providers