
Author Bios

Articles by this author:

  • Businesses often throw up next-gen entrepreneurs. Few throw up next-gen entrepreneurs and social pioneers. CampdenFB reports.

  • Do luxury brands have a place in an ethical portfolio? CampdenFB takes a look at the growing trend for sustainability among high-end companies and how family offices can get in on the action.

  • The global economy has been battered by the most severe crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s, but one area has been heralded as a possible saviour – clean technology, writes Mike Scott

  • President Obama has championed it, and
    its growth fundamentals remain strong.
    Mike Scott puts the case for cleantech investment despite the poor economic outlook

  • Climate change has been a hot topic in recent years with governments around the globe promising action. Mike Scott takes a look at what the threat of climate change means to family businesses and how to mitigate the risks it presents

  • Mike Scott explores the booming world of microfinance and discovers the impact this branch of philanthropy can have

  • Socially responsible investing is a rapidly growing investment vehicle for business
    around the world. Mike Scott takes a look at some of the largest and most successful
    SRI funds, and explains how family businesses can get involved

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