
Author Bios

Articles by this author:

  • Christopher Oughtred retired from his family business in 2007. Having successfully passed the baton onto his youngest brother, Barbara Murray finds out how he managed his new found freedom

  • When a minority family shareholder is forced to sell up, there can be complex emotional forces at play leading to strained relations. The solution lies in open dialogue and a greater understanding of the shareholding structure says Barbara Murray

  • It would take more than a political uprising and a spate of bad fortune to dull the spirit and commitment of the Lopez family. Barbara Murray talks to chief executive Oscar about his father’s legacy, social responsibility and the ‘glue’ holding the Lopez family together

  • The transition into a subsequent generation is not always as smooth as one would like. Each generation has its own agenda whether it be achieving their individual dreams or taking a step back from the family business. Barbara Murray discusses five separate experiences

  • Barbara Murray is director of Family Business Solutions UK.

    Passing on the baton of responsibility is not easily achieved, particularly as demographic changes are intensifying the time pressures felt by senior and junior generations to plan their successions. Barbara Murray explains the importance of legacy and preparation

  • What can the members of business-owning families learn from Agincourt, from a contemporary Paris orchestra, from the sometimes bewildering world of parenting adolescents and from a septuagenarian’s scholarly wisdom based on more than half a century spent working with and studying leaders and leadership?

  • Leadership is an important element in running a successful family business. Four of the eminent thinkers in the field of family business discuss its different meaning and forms

  • Honduras is pulling itself up by its own bootstraps from being a third world state and demonstrating that it can manage the first world’s forces of globalisation

  • We set out to significantly raise awareness of, and respect for, family entrepreneurship around the world. Barbara Murray passes the editorial baton to Suzy Bibko, and reviews the progress Families in Business has made since its launch

  • Growth is a relative thing, and achieving growth means different things to different families and their businesses.

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