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Top 50 global challengers 2012

Which family businesses are likely to challenge for the top positions in the years ahead? CampdenFB has produced its annual list of the 50 fastest growing family businesses in the world.
Top 50 global challengers 2012

Blink and you might miss them. CampdenFB’s annual survey of the 50 fastest growing family businesses in the world, carried out in association with Ernst & Young, underlines how important the family is to business. So which family firms are likely to challenge for the top positions in the years ahead? Take a look at the look list below – where every company achieved impressive growth of at least 40%. 

To read more about the businesses on the list and the methodology, click here.

± Impsa's 2011 fiscal year ended 31 December 2011. Fiscal 2009 ended on 31 January 2010.


Do you know of a family business that should have been on the list? Let us know by emailing Giulia Cambieri at

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