The Dennis M Jones Family Foundation and the Institute for Private Investors are delighted to announce the third year of the Jones Prize in Philanthropy.
This year the Jones Prize is a $30,000 grant and two runner-up grants of $10,000. The grants will be gifted to charities that have been aided by the efforts of an individual who has demonstrated exceptional work in philanthropy. The awards will be given at the institute’s Fall Forum in New York City on 24 September.
The Jones Prize is dedicated to Dennis Jones (pictured), a 15-year member of the institute. Dennis believed the call to giving and service was the highest honour. He wanted to lift up philanthropists who are passionate about helping others, not only monetarily, but with their time.
The Dennis M Jones Family Foundation will fund the award. The foundation’s trustees encourage all applicants, particularly those involved in education, helping veterans, aiding the homeless, and fighting poverty.
Learn more about the award in the video and the nomination form. Applications close on 30 August.