
Campden NXG

As revealed in The 2023 North America Family Business Report from Campden Wealth and Brightstar Capital, considering board Next Gens’ experience, insight and opinion is vital to ensure future success.

As revealed in The 2023 North America Family Business Report from Campden Wealth and Brightstar Capital, considering board Next Gens’ experience, insight and opinion is vital to ensure future success.

The fourth-generation entrepreneur and second-generation angel investor talks about his reasons for not applying an ESG mandate, next-gen impetus and a tax on polluting industries.

The fourth-generation entrepreneur and second-generation angel investor talks about his reasons for not applying an ESG mandate, next-gen impetus and a tax on polluting industries.

The Chinese proverb “Wealth never survives three generations” has an equivalent in many cultures and has appeared in writing over centuries. The international notion that the first generation builds wealth, the second spends and otherwise mismanages it, and the third is left with nothing, isn’t just a platitude, though says Wharton finance professor Richard Marston.

The Chinese proverb “Wealth never survives three generations” has an equivalent in many cultures and has appeared in writing over centuries. The international notion that the first generation builds wealth, the second spends and otherwise mismanages it, and the third is left with nothing, isn’t just a platitude, though says Wharton finance professor Richard Marston.

The transition into a subsequent generation is not always as smooth as one would like. Each generation has its own agenda whether it be achieving their individual dreams or taking a step back from the family business. Barbara Murray discusses five separate experiences

Red Rocket is a $150 million manufacturing and distribution company located on the outskirts of a major American city. The company’s focus is the manufacturing and distribution of children’s toy cars, trucks, ambulances, and helicopters etc.

Barbara Murray is director of Family Business Solutions UK.

Passing on the baton of responsibility is not easily achieved, particularly as demographic changes are intensifying the time pressures felt by senior and junior generations to plan their successions. Barbara Murray explains the importance of legacy and preparation

Foresight and vision have made the Votorantim Group one of the most powerful corporations in Brazil. Joachim Schwass charts the history of the family behind the business and examines the management structures that have helped it to succeed

Divisions and squabbles are a feature of the human condition but they do nothing to help a company develop. Andrew Keyt explains how a bit of give and take is essential when it comes to appreciating the roles and contributions of family members and employees

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